Your house and your self

Show me your house, and I’ll tell who you are!

Kongahällagatan, Kungälv Sweden

”Little Boxes”, sang Pete Seeger in 1963, mocking the American middle class and their houses and lives and opinions, all of which were so hopelessly mainstream.

So beautiful, yes! And so efficiently.

Banjo Road, Falkenberg, Sweden

We humans tend to adapt to the many. Conforming without even noticing. How do I conform? And you?

People build themselves into being like others.

Window cleaning, Wallingford Ct USA

Some of us get stuck in being different.

Unconventional design, Skåpafors

”Modern human beings are free, born without pain, by positive and well-informed mothers. And are well planned in personal development. It is part of society’s growth, which includes quality, service, and wheat diet. ” (Lina Ekdahl) *

The facade and content of culture
Gingerbread house, Skåpafors

What does your house, your home say about you? Can you simply be free?


*) Lina Ekdahl: ”En fri människa”. Diktsamling. Wahlström & Widstrand, 2012.


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