A Virtual Meeting on dec 31, 2017

Now its time. Now that I have had the last meal of the year, I want to pass on to all you readers a New Year’s Greeeting. It’s from Arletta and me. Arletta travels in Germany and enjoys a well deserved rest. From her I get daily reports. Not only about rest and pleasure, but also thoughts about what we will deal with in the new year.

Arletta: I’ll update you, Ellington. I do this regularly. Right?

Just then I was getting ready for today’s challenge – an excursion to Dalsland’s highest mountain. But I answered hr message and we determined the time and place for when we will meet next. That’s the way it goes on and we’re happy with it.

Arletta: Now it’s raining and quite cold in Bad Doberan. I practiced yoga in a large hot tub, in hot water. That’s how I started my last day of the year. Now an old train passes here outside. A really old one with a lot of smoke! How nice. Feels like I’m a hundred years back in the world. The city itself looks like that too. Very nice.


Now, I had arrived and stood on the mountain. This is how we met in the virtual world on December 31, 2017:

Ellington: Thanks for your reports. Here’s a report from me. I have just walked up to the top of Dalsland’s highest mountain.

Arletta: You’ve been there before, I remember, and in reality now I’m on the train that I reported about earlier today.

Ellington: On this the last day of the year, I thought I’d get a view from here, the high peak, and maybe see some things about the year that will start soon. But here I see nothing. Just like any day, I only see what’s closest to me. Everything else is hidden in fog.

Arletta: The train I’m going with has a name. Molli. It runs in Mecklenburg. I also see my future in a fog, though the fog comes from a train with a steam engine.

Ellington: So it must be. The future – we can not see it before it’s here. I can’t even imagine what’s in the distance.

Arletta: It is so exciting being on a journey by the end of the year. I have done that many times and would like to do so every New Year’s Eve. The train passes now through old villages, past the forest, so you can expect the wood fairies to come and jump onto the train. The steam from the train spreads throughout the area and constantly creates new shapes.

Ellington: New shapes that we cannot imagine in advance.

Arletta: Exactly! And like last new year, I can only promise to be alert and awake so that I can act when needed in the present.

Ellington: In a long distance, I hear the cry from a raven. It’s Dalsland’s landscape bird, and I think it’s also alert and awake just like me! And you – Blueberry Lingonberry is your name today!

Arletta: Ha, I know why! Here the berry is sitting nice and warm and ripening. What we experience is beautiful! You Dalsland bird. Observe! Report!

Ellington: Now I’ll have a cup of coffee in prepartion for the present. End of report. See ya!

Arletta: Happy New Year, Ellington!

Elliington: Happy New Year!








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